
Great Lakes Geek Interviews - Mark Geyman
Audio Interviews by Dan Hanson, the Great Lakes Geek

Mark Geyman
Founder & Owner

So you want to find out some information about an Ohio business. You go to Google or MSN or Yahoo and start searching. But there's a better and easier way.

Using a local web directory called, you can quickly and easily search over 50,000 Ohio businesses by Zip code or SIC code or other useful business criteria.

Mark Geyman has been building up this online database since 1995. Besides information about Ohio businesses, you can find other resources for business use - Ohio map and county information, webcasts relating to the state, Ohio hotels, Career Center and more.

In this interview, Mark tells us how and why OhioBiz got started and why, if you are an Ohio Business or want to do business with an Ohio Business, the 50,000+ businesses in the OhioBiz database are a great way to start.

June 23, 2006 Interview

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Dan Hanson, the Great Lakes Geek

Hahn Loeser + Parks

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      Magnum Computers Inc.